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Delivering food, spreading happiness for neighbors in need.

March for Meals - #SaveLunch 2024

As you may be aware, many older persons, including those with disabilities, face challenges in accessing nutritious meals regularly due to various factors, including limited mobility, financial constraints, and lack of support. The March for Meals -- #SaveLunch campaign aims to bridge the funding gap between existing resources and the growing need for good food. By providing weekly deliveries of nutritional meals to their doorsteps, we can make a profound difference in the lives of older individuals who may otherwise struggle to meet their dietary needs.

The significance of this campaign cannot be overstated. Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, particularly for older adults who may be more susceptible to health issues.

Our Agency witnessed a huge surge in need for food during the pandemic and thankfully -- due to emergency funding sources created to meet Covid-related challenges – our staff and volunteers were able to deliver to everyone who qualified for assistance. Today expanded funding is no longer available, and we are forced to place potential meal recipients on a waiting list. This is not acceptable.

To realize the full potential of the March for Meals -- #SaveLunch campaign, we need your support. A contribution of any amount can make a tangible difference in the lives of countless older individuals who rely on this nutritional assistance to thrive. For example, $12 will buy one meal for someone in need. With a recurring donation, you can help feed a neighbor throughout the year.

By joining hands in this nationwide effort, we not only nourish bodies but also nurture spirits, creating a community where everyone, regardless of age, can live with dignity, respect, and independence.

Thank you for considering this appeal, and we encourage you to join us in making a difference through the March for Meals -- #SaveLunch campaign. Together, we can build a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

The need is great. We can all help by doing good.

Planned gifts and bequests enable our agency to plan for the future, ensuring services for older people in Aroostook for years to come. Corporate sponsorships provide benefits to those we serve, as well as the business partner through public visibility. We can help you explore options for giving that match your interest and make the most difference to those in need.

Please contact the Agency to make your financial gift.

Did you know?

In Maine, 1 of every 4 older adults lives alone, and 1 of every 6 older Mainers is threatened by hunger. Now is a critical time to support your local Meals on Wheels. Your donation today will make an immediate impact for older adults in Aroostook who qualify for meals but do not receive them due to funding shortfalls.

A $75 gift will help feed a neighbor for a week. A $250 donation will buy a month's worth of meals of meals for someone who word otherwise go without. Simply put, your generosity will make a massive impact, with every dollar pledged matched by thousands of hours of in-kind services from volunteers right here in our community.

Your generous support makes a meaningful difference—not only will your neighbors receive nutritious food, but also a regular visit from a friendly volunteer who makes sure they are safe and doing well.

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